Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Diary Entry: Welcome!

Hello, and welcome to everybody here reading this blog right now!

It's hard to believe, but after seven years with my best friends (thirteen for some others), it's finally time to say goodbye. We're all going our separate ways and forging our own paths. Although it's hard saying goodbye to everybody, I (being the optimist I am) believe that this isn't really a goodbye. Thanks to that wonderful thing - the Internet, I believe it's called - we now have all sorts of ways to communicate with others, so I don't think I'll be letting anybody forget me just yet ;)

Anyway, I thought it'd be interesting to keep a record of university life. It lets me practice my writing skills and gives others insights into what they're missing out on.

Move-in day at Carnegie Mellon University is on the 15th, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the campus where I'll be living for the next four years. My housing, dining and insurance are set, and I've (finally) finished arranging my schedule to satisfaction!

As one of those on the Humanities Scholars Program, I'll be living in the Mudge House for the next year, with others also taking the program. The upside of living at Mudge? It used to be a mansion. The downside? I'll be living in the basement, with a tiny window. But the numerous facilities and the beautiful lounge more than makes up for the basement room.

Well, I'll end it there for today. Next post should be on the 15th - when I get to see my beautiful, marvelous basement room.

Until next time!
Philip Lee

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